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Management Approach

Finding a management coach is easy. Finding one who shares your values and approach to management is the real challenge. That's why I believe it's important to understand my approach before choosing me as your coach. Read on to learn more about my management principles and how they can help you.

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Stuart’s management philosophy is deeply rooted in humanistic principles, placing a strong emphasis on the human element within the organizational structure. This approach is characterized by four key pillars:

  1. Self-Management: Stuart believes that effective leadership begins with self-management. This involves a deep understanding and control of one’s own thought processes, stress levels, communication styles, and the relationships built with stakeholders. The ability to manage oneself is seen as a prerequisite to managing others. It’s about being aware of your own strengths and weaknesses, and using this knowledge to guide your actions and decisions. It’s about maintaining a level of self-discipline and self-control, even in stressful situations. And it’s about building strong, positive relationships with those around you, based on mutual respect and understanding.

  2. Perspective and Empathy: A key aspect of Stuart’s management approach is the ability to understand and empathize with others. This involves seeing situations from their perspective and understanding why they might be acting or reacting in a certain way. This empathetic approach can greatly simplify interactions as a manager, making it easier to identify the most effective strategies and solutions. It’s about stepping into someone else’s shoes, understanding their feelings and viewpoints, and using this understanding to guide your actions and decisions.

  3. Clarity of Focus: In today’s fast-paced world, prioritization is more important than ever. Stuart’s management approach emphasizes the need to understand the competing priorities within any role, and then select the key items to focus on. This clarity of focus allows for significant progress to be made, ensuring that time and resources are used effectively. It’s about identifying what really matters, focusing your efforts on these areas, and not getting distracted by less important tasks.

  4. Inverted Pyramid: Stuart advocates for a rethinking of traditional organizational structures, promoting an ‘inverted pyramid’ approach. This involves viewing the organization or team from a different perspective, where the leaders serve the employees, rather than the other way around. By aligning everyone’s aims and working towards a common goal, this approach can quickly turn around underperforming teams and exceed customer expectations. It’s about empowering employees, giving them the tools and support they need to succeed, and creating a culture where everyone feels valued and appreciated.


In conclusion, Stuart’s humanistic management approach is about more than just achieving business objectives - it’s about creating a positive, supportive environment where everyone can thrive. It’s about treating people with respect and understanding, and recognizing the value that each individual brings to the team. And it’s about leading by example, demonstrating through your own actions the kind of behavior and attitudes that you expect from others.

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