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Happy National Donut Day: Focus on the Dough, Not the Doughnut Hole!

Hey everyone, it's National Donut Day, the perfect excuse to celebrate this delicious treat! But beyond the sugary goodness, today's post is inspired by a saying my dad used to tell me: "As you go through life, make this your goal: watch the donut, not the hole."

Three iced donuts stacked up on a plate

Let's face it, life can be full of doughnut holes. Challenges, setbacks, and disappointments can feel like big, gaping voids, sucking all the joy out of the moment. But here's the thing: those holes wouldn't exist without the delicious donut around them!


My dad's wisdom reminds us to shift our focus. Instead of dwelling on the negativity, train your eyes on the good stuff – the fluffy donut itself. Here's how this applies to your life:

  • Focus on the opportunity, not the obstacle. Did you get passed over for a promotion? Maybe it opens the door to a new and exciting opportunity you hadn't considered.

  • Savor the journey, not just the destination. Reaching your goals is great, but don't forget to appreciate the learning and growth along the way.

  • Celebrate the little wins. Every accomplishment, big or small, is a delicious part of your donut!

"You can't buy happiness, but you can buy donuts. And that's kind of the same thing."

National Donut Day Activity:

Grab a donut (or two!) and spend a few minutes reflecting. What "doughnut holes" have you been focusing on lately? Now, shift your perspective and identify the delicious "donut" surrounding those challenges. Share your reflections in the comments below – let's celebrate the good stuff together!

Happy National Donut Day! Remember, watch the donut, not the hole, and life will taste a whole lot sweeter.

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Jun 06
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Hmmmm, donuts.

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